Monday 7 January 2013

UNIT 2 Is Here!!!

AO1-AO1-Examine personal factors associated with health and fitness and describe how they contribute to injury prevention in sport

This section covers

AO1- Strength

Muscle strength stabilizes joints

It can be developed through weight training

Its very important to injury prevention because it strengthens the bones, when forces are applied to the body, it may strain it if there is insufficient strength to resist the force

Women have 70% of the muscle strength of men

As you get older your aerobic capacity decreases and so does your muscle mass

There are different types of strength - static strength and dynamic strength

Two types are isometric contraction, and Isotonic contraction

AO1 - Speed

There are 2 types of speed, Speed of movement, and reaction speed

It’s the speed of movement in activities like running, it’s the rapidness of movement and actions

As you get older your muscles decrease in size and become stiff, lowering your speed

Reaction time is key as it may help you avoid injury in a sport like rugby

Speed is important to stop injury in sports like cricket, where the ball is moving fast and you have to avoid it

You don’t build arm muscles, you build the leg muscles, as the bigger they are the more force they hold

You need to get a good technique

AO1 - Suppleness

Suppleness is the gracefulness of a person who is flexible and supple

When in motion its called Dynamic flexibility

You can develop it with dynamic stretches

There are 4 main types of suppleness increasing stretches-- static stretching. Dynamic stretching. PNF stretching and Ballistic stretching.

Its important in preventing injury when doing sport because it helps the muscles move beyond the normal range and so can cope with more force

AO1- Stamina

Its also known as endurance

Its important in injury prevention because it means the person will not get fatigued and make mistakes as quickly

Two important things in stamina are, Anaerobic capacity (your bodies ability to exercise without oxygen, where the norm is about 40 seconds) and Aerobic capacity (which is your stamina is based on-its exercising with oxygen. To improve it you must exercise and get your heart rate up to 60%-80% of your heart rate limit

AO1- Ability

This is how good you are at the sport

There are two types-mental ability and physical ability

When you are improving your ability there are three stages - The beginner or novice stage, the intermediate or practice stage and the advanced or fine-tuning stage

The better your ability, the less chance of injury because you are experienced and have to concentrate less on how to improve and more on how to do it well



Heys Guys!!!!! I will be posting more content soon, about the things that are looked at most.
All the best...