Monday 7 January 2013

UNIT 2 Is Here!!!

AO1-AO1-Examine personal factors associated with health and fitness and describe how they contribute to injury prevention in sport

This section covers

AO1- Strength

Muscle strength stabilizes joints

It can be developed through weight training

Its very important to injury prevention because it strengthens the bones, when forces are applied to the body, it may strain it if there is insufficient strength to resist the force

Women have 70% of the muscle strength of men

As you get older your aerobic capacity decreases and so does your muscle mass

There are different types of strength - static strength and dynamic strength

Two types are isometric contraction, and Isotonic contraction

AO1 - Speed

There are 2 types of speed, Speed of movement, and reaction speed

It’s the speed of movement in activities like running, it’s the rapidness of movement and actions

As you get older your muscles decrease in size and become stiff, lowering your speed

Reaction time is key as it may help you avoid injury in a sport like rugby

Speed is important to stop injury in sports like cricket, where the ball is moving fast and you have to avoid it

You don’t build arm muscles, you build the leg muscles, as the bigger they are the more force they hold

You need to get a good technique

AO1 - Suppleness

Suppleness is the gracefulness of a person who is flexible and supple

When in motion its called Dynamic flexibility

You can develop it with dynamic stretches

There are 4 main types of suppleness increasing stretches-- static stretching. Dynamic stretching. PNF stretching and Ballistic stretching.

Its important in preventing injury when doing sport because it helps the muscles move beyond the normal range and so can cope with more force

AO1- Stamina

Its also known as endurance

Its important in injury prevention because it means the person will not get fatigued and make mistakes as quickly

Two important things in stamina are, Anaerobic capacity (your bodies ability to exercise without oxygen, where the norm is about 40 seconds) and Aerobic capacity (which is your stamina is based on-its exercising with oxygen. To improve it you must exercise and get your heart rate up to 60%-80% of your heart rate limit

AO1- Ability

This is how good you are at the sport

There are two types-mental ability and physical ability

When you are improving your ability there are three stages - The beginner or novice stage, the intermediate or practice stage and the advanced or fine-tuning stage

The better your ability, the less chance of injury because you are experienced and have to concentrate less on how to improve and more on how to do it well



Heys Guys!!!!! I will be posting more content soon, about the things that are looked at most.
All the best...

Friday 30 March 2012



Here is a four week training programme to improve.

Monday: after school, playing hoops in the courts, getting ready for the week. Trying to improve my aim and get shots in from longer distances away.

Tuesday: after school, I could go to the basketball court again and do one on one with my friend Peter; this would be good experience as he is very good at basketball.

Wednesday: I would go to the basketball club at lunch and play with all of the others, they play proper games, and this will help me in my learning of attack and defence

Thursday: I would play some basketball at lunch with the club, and try and learn some tricks that you can use to skill the opposition

Friday: I would end of the week playing outside after school and playing 2 proper games with the kids outside

Monday: after school, playing hoops in the courts, getting ready for the week. Trying to improve my aim and get shots in from longer distances away.

Tuesday: after school, I could go to the basketball court again and do one on one with my friend Peter; this would be good experience as he is very good at basketball.

Wednesday: I would go to the basketball club at lunch and play with all of the others, they play proper games, and this will help me in my learning of attack and defence

Thursday: I would play some basketball at lunch with the club, and try and learn some tricks that you can use to skill the opposition

Friday: I would end of the week playing outside after school and playing 2 proper games with the kids outside, also working on my dribbling

Monday: after school, playing hoops in the courts, getting ready for the week. Trying to improve my aim and get shots in from longer distances away.

Tuesday: after school, I could go to the basketball court again and do one on one with my friend Peter; this would be good experience as he is very good at basketball.

Wednesday: I would go to the basketball club at lunch and play with all of the others, they play proper games, and this will help me in my learning of attack and defence

Thursday: I would play some basketball at lunch with the club, and try and learn some tricks that you can use to skill the opposition

Friday: I would end of the week playing outside after school and playing 2 proper games with the kids outside, I would work on my dribbling and also practice shots

Monday: after school, playing hoops in the courts, getting ready for the week. Trying to improve my aim and get shots in from longer distances away.

Tuesday: after school, I could go to the basketball court again and do one on one with my friend Peter; this would be good experience as he is very good at basketball.

Wednesday: I would go to the basketball club at lunch and play with all of the others, they play proper games, and this will help me in my learning of attack and defence

Thursday: I would play some basketball at lunch with the club, and try and learn some tricks that you can use to skill the opposition

Friday: I would end of the week playing outside after school and playing 2 proper games with the kids outside, practicing my dribbling, shooting and practising some positions and formations in training. also i would practice the loop technique.

The things I could use to improve my……..are:


I could practice with some of the weights I have in my loft, with these I could further build my arm muscles, this means I would be able to get longer range shots in, and when bouncing the ball I could do it for longer/faster.

Speed and stamina:

To increase my speed I could jog around my area, this would make my leg muscles much stronger if I did it for a long time, this means I could move my legs faster, and so move faster. Also this would increase my stamina, I could run for slightly longer distances each day, so I would get used to it, this means I could go longer without tiring so fast.


Here is my 4 week training program:

Monday: I go to the gym swimming pool, and practice my back stroke, working on the motion needed

Tuesday: I go to the swimming pool again, this time I do front crawl slowly, working on the movement and getting used to it again

Wednesday: I go to the swimming pool and this time I do front crawl for one stroke and record it, I try again to beat the time, non-stop sprint swimming

Thursday: I go to the swimming pool and do breast stroke, I do this and work on the stroke, practice the breathing

Friday: I do front crawl and try to beat my old score, I then do all of the strokes I did in the week again, make them better and faster slightly

Monday: I go to the gym swimming pool, and practice my back stroke, working on the motion needed

Tuesday: I go to the swimming pool again, this time I do front crawl slowly, working on the movement and getting used to it again

Wednesday: I go to the swimming pool and this time I do front crawl for one stroke and record it, I try again to beat the time, non-stop sprint swimming

Thursday: I go to the swimming pool and do breast stroke, I do this and work on the stroke, practice the breathing

Friday: I do front crawl and try to beat my old score, I then do all of the strokes I did in the week again, make them better and faster slightly

Monday: I go to the gym swimming pool, and practice my back stroke, working on the motion needed

Tuesday: I go to the swimming pool again, this time I do front crawl slowly, working on the movement and getting used to it again

Wednesday: I go to the swimming pool and this time I do front crawl for one stroke and record it, I try again to beat the time, non-stop sprint swimming

Thursday: I go to the swimming pool and do breast stroke, I do this and work on the stroke, practice the breathing

Friday: I do front crawl and try to beat my old score, I then do all of the strokes I did in the week again, make them better and faster slightly

Monday: I go to the gym swimming pool, and practice my back stroke, working on the motion needed

Tuesday: I go to the swimming pool again, this time I do front crawl slowly, working on the movement and getting used to it again

Wednesday: I go to the swimming pool and this time I do front crawl for one stroke and record it, I try again to beat the time, non-stop sprint swimming

Thursday: I go to the swimming pool and do breast stroke, I do this and work on the stroke, practice the breathing

Friday: I do front crawl and try to beat my old score, I then do all of the strokes I did in the week again, make them better and faster slightly

The things I could use to improve my……..are:


I could try and swim as fast as I can, he movement underwater will make me stronger, I could also go to the gym and use the rowing machine to strengthen my arm muscles

Speed and stamina:

I could so lots of sprint swimming and try to wear myself out, this means that I will get used to the strain of the speed, also this would increase my stamina as I would get used to the furious depletion of my energy


Here is my 4 week training programme:

Monday: I would go to the gym into the gymnastics room, and practice the basic vaults, I would do them over and over until I felt I was confident that I could do them well

Tuesday: I would go back to the gym and try the handspring, I would start of just trying to get the balance right

Wednesday: I would go to the gym and I would the practice the handspring even more, getting the technique better and trying to make it as best as possible

Thursday: I would practice all I learnt, and try to do them more neatly

Friday: I would perform in front of my parents and let them judge me

Monday: I would go to the gym into the gymnastics room, and practice the basic vaults, I would do them over and over until I felt I was confident that I could do them well

Tuesday: I would go back to the gym and try the handspring, I would start of just trying to get the balance right

Wednesday: I would go to the gym and I would the practice the handspring even more, getting the technique better and trying to make it as best as possible

Thursday: I would practice all I learnt, and try to do them more neatly

Friday: I would perform in front of my parents and let them judge me

Monday: I would go to the gym into the gymnastics room, and practice the basic vaults, I would do them over and over until I felt I was confident that I could do them well

Tuesday: I would go back to the gym and try the handspring, I would start of just trying to get the balance right

Wednesday: I would go to the gym and I would the practice the handspring even more, getting the technique better and trying to make it as best as possible

Thursday: I would practice all I learnt, and try to do them more neatly

Friday: I would perform in front of my parents and let them judge me

Monday: I would go to the gym into the gymnastics room, and practice the basic vaults, I would do them over and over until I felt I was confident that I could do them well

Tuesday: I would go back to the gym and try the handspring, I would start of just trying to get the balance right

Wednesday: I would go to the gym and I would the practice the handspring even more, getting the technique better and trying to make it as best as possible

Thursday: I would practice all I learnt, and try to do them more neatly

Friday: I would perform in front of my parents and let them judge me

The things I could use to improve my……..are:


I could do some press ups to get my arm strength better, this means I could push harder down in the vault and go higher and further.

Speed and stamina:

I could do some running, so I would get faster in the run up and also this means I would lose weight and become lighter

Thursday 9 February 2012



In this sport I have made small improvement over time, when I started in Lithuania I was pressured to beat my family members that are amazing at it, but I struggled, because although I learnt well and remembered, I could not learn fast enough, I started with weak aim, rubbish dribbling, weak defence and over all a bad player, but I was encouraged.

My main flaw is my shots, for this I give myself a 6/10. It is not very good but has been developed, I used to miss 5 of 20 shots, they mainly missed completely, or bounced of the backboard, but when I started to train in a Gravesend team, I stared working on it, soon 14/20 shots were going in, not what I had hoped for (20/20) but it was still an improvement.

For defence I give myself a 8/10. I am decent at is due to my height, and my longer than average arms, I can make a good barrier for the ball, this means an attacker finds it hard to put a basket in, I think I got some of my info by watching some games of it on sky sports, NBA internationals was what I watched, and from this I gained some degree on insight, I saw they took a wide stance, and always kept on their toes, but a lot of the time they stayed close quarters, not allowing them to take a breather, so they got tired and gave up possetion of the ball. To improve I think I should play some more games where I am in defence, so I can hone my skills, but I think I should focus on keeping on my toes, keeping the attackers occupied, and not giving up to more than 3 attackers, but rather getting more stuck in I think that my improvements were decent, I will update this soon when I get the ball and trainers out!


In this I have made large improvement over a very short time, I started one month, unable to swim completely, and the next a very good one. I went to my swimming club and it came very easily to me, I could make fewer splashes and do much faster.

For speed I give myself 9/10, I started of making lots of splash, this slowed me down, also my arm technique was wrong for all strokes, my time to get from one side of the swimming pool to the other (a full length) in about 1 minute, but now I can do it in about 15 seconds, what I think is an amazing improvement. To improve is think I need to be able to make fewer splashes when going fast, also I should use my lags more because my arms do most on the work.

For my technique I give myself a 8/10. When I started I swing my arms wildly for each stroke, it was so bad you could not tell what stroke it was at all, I focused on my front crawl, I soon became more efficient at it, and I got better, with my arms I made the perfect overhead stroke, then I focused on breaststroke, it was soon apparent that this stroke used the least energy, I started to train for it on my back with just my legs, to work on, and then rolled over and did it properly. To improve I think I should make fewer splashes, so they can easily know what I am doing and not being covered up by splashes.

For my breathing I give myself a 7/10. You may think it is not important but for me it really was, it was the difference between a almost flawless lap to a lap when I was mostly taking a breather on the side. I was told the way to breath in breast stroke, and It was easy, but for the front crawl it was hard, I wanted to keep going, but I knew I needed to breath, I soon got over the fact if I did not breath it would be painful. To improve I could take slightly more breaths in front crawl, to make it easier, and so I don’t lose energy as quickely.


I began this in school, when I started I knew I was going to make no improvement, my body is not light and balanced enough to do anything right, it was awkward trying to do handsprings and so on.

For speed I give myself a 3/10. I think that when I started I was slightly slower, but I was still slow, I could not get the proper run up to make it and execute a good vault, I think that when I did it, I was almost a bit afraid I would make a fool of myself, which is never fun. To improve I think that I could get a faster run up, also I could maybe try harder.

For balance I give myself a 2/10.  My body is not made for it, I was wobbling all over the place and many times landed weirdly on the horse, its true I did sort of get the hang of it after time, so I actually managed to clear it. To improve I should get better balance, maybe I could balance on a Swiss ball, so I can get it better to get better balance in the vault.   

For technique I give myself a 4/10. It was pretty bad and I was finding it very hard, It seemed my brain could not control the body and it did some weird flop when I tried, I could not get what I wanted to do in my head, but when I did however, I did not know how to actually do it. But my gate vault I got better at and I could kind of do it. To improve it I could watch some video guides on Youtube, getting some tips on how to do the other vaults, or to improve the one I can do.

Thursday 19 January 2012

A tip to bounce the ball right

make sure to bounce the ball at shin height when in oppostion, this will make it very to tackle you, as they must reach down very low, when moving fast however, bounce the ball at stomach height, and push forwardes to run into the ball, bouncing again, it is also easier like this as it more natural to run with open legs, not crouching