Thursday 24 November 2011

AO1 + AO2

AO1 +AO2

Games Sport: Basketball

I have chosen basketball because I used to play for a Gravesend team and in Lithuania it is all I do for 4 weeks, it is immensely fun


- You are not allowed to move with the Basketball without bouncing it, if this is done it is Known as a travel

- You are not allowed to bounce the Basketball with both hands, this would be known as a double dribble

- You cannot touch an opposition team member with your hand

- The team which has the most points is the winner of the match

- The ball can be batted from the enemy teams hands with 1 or 2 hands

- There is no striking to be allowed in the game, if it is done, punishments are penalties or the next goal does not count

- There are two fifteen-minute halves, with five minutes rest between.

- You are only allowed to hold the ball with your hands and with no other part of your body like arms and legs

- There are 12 players but only 5 on the pitch at one time

- The game has four quarters 10 minutes long, with a 15-minute break at in the middle.

There are also two-minute breaks in the middle the first and second periods, and between the third and fourth periods.

If the game is tied at the end of the fourth period, it continues with an extra period of five minutes, then as many five-minute periods as are necessary to break the tie.


- Trainers for running, they need to have very good grip so you do not slip in the court and injure yourself

- The basketball, it is round like a football and very bouncy

- The hoop, it is where the basketball must go through to score a hoop/basket


The positions of the players are key, some must be left to defend their side, and some must try to score baskets, the point guard it the player farthest to the hoop and is the most skilled player, he is the main shooter, the shooting guard is a shooter as well but is not as skilled as point guard, it is further away from the hoop, they score the longer range shots, the centre does a bit of both, they move back a bit to defend the hoop but can also move to attack, the power forward is the main defender and goes close to the basket and tries to defend it, this person is tall, the small forward is a secondary defender, they can protect the ball further up the pitch and are short but very skilled member of the team.


The best teams are renowned for their speed and basketball ability, one of the most famous teams is the Harlem Globetrotters, they are very fast and bent the rules of basketball, like doing brake dancing while bouncing the ball and doing trick shot that bounce of the hoop then the next player slam dunks it on the rebound.



This is like a dribble in football; the player bounces the ball and moves as well.

Shooting, to do a good shot you need to throw the ball by thrusting your hand with the ball forward in the air, aiming towards the basket


You can pass by bouncing it to another person, it’s important to pass so you can get the ball quickly from one end of the court to the other.


You run fast when bouncing and move fast to intercept the ball from the opponent so you can move into the shot.


You use your arms to your full ability, so you can use longer range shots to get more points from the shot.


You know the angle to shoot from and the power to use in the shot to get the ball in the basket to score points, longer range shots are much easier.

The pitch is a key part of the basketball playing environment; it consists of the following,

Athletics sport: Swimming

I have chosen as it is my leisure sport and I do it all the time, I also go training once a week.


There are not many rules in swimming but there are a few things you must abide by.

- When in a race touching the side of the pool or touching the floor means you lose and are disqualified

- You must do the chosen stroke to the very end of the race

- Pulling yourself to the finish line with the rope

- In breast stroke, failure to go to the surface after every stroke

- You can only stay under the water for 15 metres, and that’s at the beginning of the race

- You cannot make a false start, or you will be disqualified

- You must never touch another swimmer, if this Is done it will result in penalty or disqualification

- You can never make your body go completely under the water in the front crawl race

- Now one is allowed to stop while swimming to take a breather

- You have to touch the wall on either side before the next lap starts

- No webbed gloves are allowed, either are any things that aid speed or floatation

- In international event like the Olympics men and woman must race separately in different pools

- You have to stay in your own lane, and must swim straight


- Goggles, these are important as with them you can see perfectly under the water so you know when to stop and where to go

- Swimming caps, these are important because you do not want the germs in your hair to go in the water, also to protect the hair from the different chemicals in the water

- Swimming costume to be clothed and some clothing can make you sleeker and more streamlined in the water


The teams are made of a relay or different player in every race, to be a good swimmer you need to have strong leg and arm muscles to pull yourself through the water and to go fast, the best teams and players are those who have a good diet and have good arms and legs.

Different strokes

In swimming there are many strokes but in competitive swimming there is 3 main ones, The Front Crawl, The Breast Stroke and The Butterfly.

The front crawl is made for speed, you use your arms and legs to their full abilities to pull you through the water, the stroke name is a good presentation of what the stroke is, your arm lifts up over your head and you crawl through the water.

The breathing of the front crawl is to the side and after three strokes normally.

The breast stroke is often called the frog stroke because of the leg movement used, the arms when doing a breast stroke pull the water to push you,

This stroke does not require much energy to do, and is much slower than the front crawl, to breath the hands come up to the chest and you push with your legs, in the brief time in which your head is above the water you can breathe.

The butterfly is the hardest of all the strokes by far, it also demands he most energy than any of the other strokes, first you need to wriggle in the water with your legs,

Then as the last two pictures show you lift your arms above your head and push down with all your strength to propel yourself forward in the water, which is also a chance to breathe as well. The butterfly is the hardest to do because of the technique involved, it is hard to get the actions right.


The skills you need are


You need this to go fast in the water to make a good time, move your arms through the water quickly.


You need to use powerful strokes to power through the water, weak strokes will get you nowhere in the water, you need this to get a good speed through the water,

Gymnastics sport: Vault

I have chosen this because I do it in PE


- You must land in the finishing position that’s a Y shape

- You must not touch the vaulting horse with any part of the body except the hands

- You must start in the starting position, it’s like the finishing position but with one arm down at the side of the body

- You must know the routine and have it ready in your mind so you know what to do

- You must never attempt a move you don’t know you can do well or know at all


- You must have the right kind of gymnastics shoes or barefoot

- The vaulting horse, you need this to vault and perform tricks on

- A light, stretchy, flexible costume to wear so you can move easily


They rely on perfect flexibility to jump and flip to score the most points, the team has to be flexible and do good tricks to help the team get points and win.

Different types of vault

The Handspring

In this type of vault you need to run at the springboard at speed and as you make your legs come over you and you basically do a front flip, you land on your legs in a straight finishing position.

The straddle vault

This vault is hard to perform but easier than the handspring, you need to run at the springboard and land your hands on either end of the springboard, then your legs need to come up under you.

The gate vault

The gate vault is one of the easiest vaults and is fairly straight forward, you place both hands on an end of the horse and swing your legs round the side of the horse that does not have your hands on.


In the vault you need things that make you do well,


You need strength so can push yourself up and forwards to get the best distance; your arms are the things that need the most strength.


You need this so you can bend in the air to make shapes to score points, you need this because you do not want to land on the matt in an awkward way.


You need balance so your moves in the air and your horse vault is neat and clean, it needed to be symmetrical to score the most points, you need to land well so you can instantly go into the finishing position


You need speed or you won’t be able to go over the horse as you will not have enough forward force to take you all the way, if you don’t go all the way you could land in a painful position that could injure from further events.


You can do a series of very hard moves that take a long time to do to score many points but then be too tired to do any more,

You can also do many small and easy moves that rack up the points fast, and that can get you many points as they do not use much energy,

Or you can start small to make some points then jump in to some complex moves that score lots of points, this is the best way for most people as that do a bit of both, the start being like a warm up so the harder ones become slightly easier as your muscles are warm and even more stretched out.

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