Monday 2 January 2012


Detailed rules:
The players cannot hit each other in any way, if this were to happen I would award a penalty.
The players cannot move while holding the ball for more than one step, if they do it is called a travel, the punishment is to give possession to the other team.
The players cannot bounce the ball if they had previously touched it with both hands at the same time, the punishment is to give possession to the other team.
The players cannot be found cheating in any way, if they are caught doing this they will be punished by being kicks out the game, and a substitution cannot be made, he may be excluded for more than one game.
When the opposition make foul, they must step back 5 steps.
In a free throw the opposition must not stop the ball from going into the net.
In a free through the oppositions feet must not leave the ground until the free throw is over.
An umpire or ref is not allowed to clearly pick a side and help them win
When the ref throws the ball in the air to start the match the players cannot attempt to catch it until the whistle is blown, failure to comply will mean the other team will gain position

The ref is control of three officials
The ref has to make sure all the watches of all the officials are in time
The ref has to make sure that all of the officials are in the correct places for the race, so they can judge accurately.
The ref has to make sure that the swimmers all dive in on the whistle blow, and not before, if the swimmer does this, there will be a 10 second penalty.
The ref must make sure to instruct the officials to the right places, as well as informing them of any changes or special features that must be done.
The ref can stop the game at any point to see to that all of the FINA rules are followed.
The ref has the power to take officials away if they are deemed to be not good enough for duty, and may replace them, the ref can also add extra officials if necessary.
The ref has the power to disqualify swimmers if they are disobeying the rules or cheating.
The ref must make sure the routine is safe by judging past vaults, only then can a gymnast attempt a vault.
The ref cannot help the gymnast in deciding which move to do, the gymnasts must do this themselves.
The ref has to make sure that the apparatus is safe to use and is not broken or not good enough.
The ref must make sure that the judges make fair results, so say if they did a double backflip handspring while spinning in the air, then be awarded a 3 by one judge and 8 and 7 by the others, it would be unfair, as it is clearly well done.
The ref must make sure the gymnast uses each piece of apparatus only once.
The ref is not allowed to influence the judge’s decision in any way at all, even by one point, only point out if they are being unfair.
The ref is not allowed to interfere in the vault after the run, but can stop the vault in the run.
The ref is not allowed to leave the hall until the vault is over, so he will always be there to keep it safe, you are not allowed to vault unless there is a ref watching.

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